Friday, July 29, 2011
It seems that every other music site in the blogopshere has been rolling out their mid-year Best of 2011 over the past couple of weeks. I understand the urge to engage in some pre-playoffs speculation, at the same time I feel like it is just a little too early in the year to start declaring "Best Ofs" (even if I am guilty of the same sin in individual reviews). Instead I'd like to take this opportunity to shine a spotlight on some albums that deserve more attention than I have been able to give them this year. Not that you likely care, but I have a full-time professional job, I have a family that more than deserves my attention, and unfortunately this year I have suffered two serious debilitating illnesses, so I haven't been able to give nearly as much attention to this blog or my reviews as I have wished. Call this a cop out, but I'm going to take this mid-year opportunity to showcase 20 albums that deserve glowing full-length reviews that I haven't been able to give them, and that you should totally be listening to right now, rather than ranking my best-ofs so far. I am listing these in no particular order, so please don't ascribe meaning to the numbers that appear next to them. #1 is no better than #20. They are all awesome and should be burning up your turntable stat.

#2 DEMONAZ - March Of The Norse (Nuclear Blast)

#3 MELLOWHYPE - Blackendwhite (Fat Possum)

Thursday, July 21, 2011
#4 MAMALEEK - Kurdaitcha (Enemies List)

"My Body Rock Long Fever"
#5 LOCRIAN & HORSEBACK - New Dominions (Utech)

#6 JON MUELLER - Alphabet of Movements (Type)

Jon Mueller - Alphabet of Movements by _type
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
#7 SHABAZZ PALACES - Black Up (Sub Pop)

#8 JOHN MAUS - We Must Become The Pitiless Censors Of Ourselves (Ribbon)

Some live samples of Maus and his explanation of why I am wrong to think he is taking a piss...
Monday, July 11, 2011
#9 ICEAGE - New Brigade (What's Your Rupture?)

"White Rune"
#10 ZOMBI - Escape Velocity (Relapse Records)

#11 PLANKS - The Darkests of Grays/Solicit To Fall (Southern Lord)

"Sacred & Secret" live
#12 BARN OWL - Shadowland (Thrill Jockey)

"Void And Devotion"
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