There is so much to say about James Murphy's LCD Soundsystem. How it is the voice of a couple of generations, how it is the smartest, snarkiest, and most heartfelt music of the last decade, how it is the soundtrack of so many lives, and how no one has made art pop this good since the heyday of the Talking Heads and Brian Eno. There is so much to say that it is almost paralysing as a writer to approach a LCD Soundsystem album and do it any justice. You can see my
full review here of "This is Happening" to see how much I struggled with expressing anything about this record. When it comes down to it James Murphy makes music for a certain subset of people in our society of which I, and likely you, happen to be a member of, and nothing moves our hearts, minds and bodies quite like it.
lcd soundsystem- home from alex hype on Vimeo.
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