BEST OF 2010 #6 (albums) Harvey Milk - A Small Turn Of Human Kindness (Hydra Head)
"A Small Turn Of Human Kindness" is Harvey Milk's masterpiece. A crushing album centered around a broken man in a broken relationship, there was nothing heavier emotionally, or musically for that matter, this year. The band returned to their roots by playing out this tale of epic frustration and failure over the kind of slow and meticulous doom sludge that made them so great in the first place. At the same time, "A Small Turn" is vastly superior to anything the band has produced before. The music is tighter and more powerful, the lyrics are taut and devastating, and the emotional arch is spot on. In short, this is a perfect record. It is serious music for serious people. You don't play it at a party, you don't play it with friends, you play it during those alone times when every note means everything. Full review here.
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