Liturgy is easily the most divisive band in the black metal world, which is pretty damn sad. For a scene that tolerates and makes excuses for racists, homophobes, murderers, and possible rapists, to finally throw a hissy fit because someone wants to create something positive out of black metal is fucking pathetic. Yeah, I get that black metal is about nihilism and nonemoreblack, believe me I do, particularly since most days I would agree with that worldview. But, If I can still talk glowingly about Burzum's music, while recognizing him as the utter piece of shit that he is as a human being, then surely I can give passage to Liturgy's well-meaning and amazingly talented Hunter Hunt-Hendrix. Almost out of spite I went and saw Liturgy play a rather amazing show earlier this year. Afterwards I had Hunt-Hendrix sign a copy of his infamous "Transcendental Black Metal" manifesto. And you know what? He was a really nice and humble guy that I enjoyed talking with. Given all the slings and arrows he has suffered in the scene, having a good conversation with him almost felt more transgressive than stabbing someone 21 times and burning down a church. So damn the haters (and really what could be more black metal than a black metal fan damning other black metal fans), this is a phenomenal record. Frankly, I can't quite condense this one into a mini-review, so I'm going to direct you over to
my original full length review as to why this is easily one of the best records of 2011.
"Sun of Light"
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