If there is an indie rock album that was tailor-made for me this year, this was probably it. I have been hemming and hawing about the sorry state of indie "rock" this year and the lack thereof actual rock for the past couple of years, so one would think that a guitar driven album that covers the waterfront of styles would be right up my ally. Unfortunately, "Father, Son, Holy Ghost" leaves me feeling cold. Nearly everyone whose musical tastes I respect told me that no matter how I felt about their earlier material (in case you were wondering, I hated it) I would love this. Well, I don't. I still respect my friends' musical tastes, but I just can't hang with Girls. The same tired Elvis Costello/Britpop ripoff pyramid scheme that characterized earlier releases is at play here, and in the end I would rather just listen to the first three Elvis Costello albums or the Kinks. At the same time, I have to give major props to this band for playing rock-n-roll, no matter how unoriginal it sounds. In these dark days of synthpop and chillwave, at least Girls know how to play guitars and play them rather well.
I guess in the end my beef with Girls is that they are a tepid version of what I want to hear more than anything else. I'm learning to respect them, at the same time I'm never going to throw this on the stereo Friday night and rock out to it, because there are about a thousand better albums to actually rock out to on a Friday night. It really isn't a bad album, it just doesn't...well, it just doesn't. For what it is worth, apparently everyone but me loves this record and you probably will too, and in the end I recommend this about a hundred times more than the next two entries on this list.
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