I've saved the best/worst for last. It is no secret that
I hate Neon Indian. I've taken about every chance I can to mock and taunt his work while constantly citing it as an example of everything that is wrong with music these days, couple that with
my increasing disdain for chillwave, and it is a wonder that I ever broke the seal on this cd. Yet, in the interest of fairness and because he recorded an ep with the Flaming Lips earlier this year that didn't offend me, I thought I would give him another try. Amazingly I made it to track nine before I was finally faced with the choice of ripping my hair out or hitting the eject button, so that's something (I chose the eject button).
Basically this is an archetypal chillwave record through and through that in it's best moments sounds like an Air knockoff and in it's worst moments sounds like Neon Indian. If you like synthpop or chillwave, you will likely love this record, and who am I to judge your shitty tastes. For what it is worth, I would rather hear this record ten times over than I would sit through "Psychic Chasms" a single time more.
"Polish Girl"
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